15 Quick Tips for a Successful Treestand Hunt

Over the years, I've engaged in various hunting methods, from still-hunting to spot and stalk, blinds to treestands. While each tactic has its merits, my preferred approach is the treestand. Whether bow hunting or enjoying the aroma of gunpowder on a crisp November morning, treestands offer unparalleled advantages. Here are 15 essential tips for hunting from above, regardless of your weapon of choice.

  1. Prioritize safety with a lifeline system and harness.

  2. Wear a harness consistently for your well-being and those close to you.

  3. Regularly maintain your equipment for optimal functionality.

  4. Choose the right treestand based on your hunting needs and scenarios.

  5. Hang treestands well in advance to avoid pressuring deer.

  6. Consider a hang-and-hunt approach for specific situations.

  7. Optimal treestand height is between 15 to 25 feet.

  8. Cut shooting lanes wisely and use two people for better visibility.

  9. Avoid excessive cutting to maintain cover and avoid alerting deer.

  10. Utilize a tree with sufficient back cover to stay hidden.

  11. Enhance concealment by adding additional cover around the stand.

  12. Hang stands close, but not directly over deer trails.

  13. Stay prepared and keep essential gear within easy reach.

  14. Compensate for shot angles and prioritize ethical kills.

  15. Constantly learn, adapt, and strive to improve your hunting strategies and understanding of deer behavior.


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